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Saturday, January 15, 2011

God is Good

The Goodness of GodThe Goodness of God by Randy Alcorn

"Where was God when my husband (or anyone you know) died?" Why didn't God cure him? He was a good person." "Where was God when I was abused as a child?" These statements and more are examined by author Randy Alcorn in his book *The Goodness of God*. Although this book is a slim volume it is packed with substance on this complex subject of suffering and evil. Alcorn explains that being a good Christian does not offer a warranty on not suffering in this lifetime: "Genuine faith will be tested by suffering; false faith will be lost-the sooner, the better."

Alcorn explains the dogma of sin and our cultural response to it. Basically, we take no responsibility. Reminds me of saying "The devil made me do it." Our worldview is not the Bible's perspective. Once we change to a Christian view, then we can change how we view suffering and evil.

The thesis of the book is presented in a well thought out manner with Biblical scripture throughout to back up Alcorn's argument. He uses many examples and stories from others who endured suffering and sin showing how they responded to this conundrum.

I highly recommend this read to acquire a better understanding on the topic of suffering and evil and what our response as Christians should be in order to magnify God's goodness.

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