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Tuesday, February 5, 2019


I could use a forgiving jar in my life. A jar filled with insight and inspiration. To stumble upon a jar with short messages of wisdom, scripture, or quotes is what happened Sara Murray while she stays at her Old Order Amish grandparents house. In this second book in the "Prayer Jars" series, "The Forgiving Jar" by Wanda E. Brunstetter, the reader is returned to Lancaster county where both the real Sara Murray and Michelle Taylor are living with the Lapps. Michelle, who impersonated Sara in the first book, has asked for forgiveness from the Lapps, from the community, and Sara for what she did. She has gone so far as to begin taking baptismal classes to become Amish. Although Michelle at times doubts herself, she learns to take one day at a time. Only Sara has a hard time forgiving Michelle and forgiving her deceased mother for not telling her about her Amish roots. As Sara finds out it is hard to forgive. To late go of the past. But if she doesn't she may lose more than she bargained for. I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.